Picked on 27th March ’15

en visite chez mes parents
pensées grises coupées par un sourire
une coccinelle sur mon épaule


at my parents house
my grey thougths melt into the smile
a ladybug on my shoulder



About atreewalker

It was a warm spring morning in the olive grove. The breeze was gentle, the air was fragrant, the time stood still. High grass, sprinkled with colourful small-headed flowers, was gently tickling my knees. Poppies were about to splash their intense red on the antic ruins. 'Look how beautiful it is all over', I whispered to the olive trees, 'a perfect time for a stroll.' I slipped my fingers into the open palms at the end of their branches and I took them for a walk. View all posts by atreewalker

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